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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) by University of Michigan

226,787 ratings

About the Course

This course aims to teach everyone the basics of programming computers using Python. We cover the basics of how one constructs a program from a series of simple instructions in Python. The course has no pre-requisites and avoids all but the simplest mathematics. Anyone with moderate computer experience should be able to master the materials in this course. This course will cover Chapters 1-5 of the textbook “Python for Everybody”. Once a student completes this course, they will be ready to take more advanced programming courses. This course covers Python 3....
High quality instructor

(1484 Reviews)

Introductory course

(4203 Reviews)

Top reviews


Sep 12, 2020

Very good introduction to basic programming. Very easy for beginners in python who have already some programming background - but still extremely useful to quickly and efficiently learn python basics.


Apr 26, 2021

Excellent, although, even without having any programming experience except some Visual Basic at school about ten years ago, in my opinion the course could have bee more difficult and the pace quicker.

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726 - 750 of 10,000 Reviews for Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)

By Adam E

Jun 30, 2020

I took a Introduction to Python course with Learning Tree that cost $2,500 and took Python for Everybody with Coursera an absorbed and learned much more with Coursera. I have absolutely no programming experience and I was able to pick up the language well by reading all assignment and completing all practice exercises. I also toyed around with the code on my own with my own programs and learned to enjoy it. I am taking the entire specialization now. Good luck.

By Ricardo A P

Jun 8, 2022

Excelente curso. Conceptos claros y consisos. Nivel de dificultad justa para lo enseñado. Quisiera tomar mas cursos como estos. Muy facil de aprender y se aplican los conceptos que se aprenden. Espero poder finalizar los cinco modulos que ofrecen sobre la programación de Phyton. Charles explica muy bien y para los que no dominamos completamente el idioma ingles, fue muy facil entender el vocabulario y la dinamica del curso. Muchas gracias por esta experiencia

By Brett S

Sep 2, 2018

I was encouraged to take this course as an introduction to the world of programming. I am a novice programmer who has no formal training. This course was both fun and engaging. While challenging at times, generally any feedback I needed had already been discussed on the discussion boards. A simple search for the error you encounter should help you to independently debug your script and develop the flow of execution described in the prompt for each assignment.

By John L D C

Sep 6, 2021

I have experienced learning python through Youtube, and I've applied them by creating my programs. However, after taking this course, I was amazed at what gaps of knowledge I was missing and learned something new. I highly recommend this course; not only does it teach you python, but it also makes you see a different perspective on how to tackle problems through python while having fun. Cheers to Prof. Charles Russell Severance for being a fantastic teacher!

By Nikhil V J

Aug 7, 2021

Dr. Charles Severance is a superb faculty who taught this course. He has created a friendly atmosphere while learning the course and I learned some basics with great examples given by him. Python is going to my first programming language which I am going to learn and I think this journey of learning python with Dr. Chuck is going to be really awesome. And I really loved the bonus sessions which is something out of the box. Thank MIT for building this course.

By Nikolaus W “ L

Jan 11, 2021

Большего и лучшего я не ожидал - Питон преподносится так просто и легко, при этом объясняется как работает любой код и язык - как компьютер его расценивает, и что при этом происходит. Рекомендую однозначно всем, кто хочет разобраться в Python. Ничего лучшего я не встречал!!! Огромная благодарность Мичиганскому университету и лично доктору Чарльзу Северину. Этот профессор Снейп просто влюбляет в змеиный язык, при этом реально - моя жизнь меняется к лучшему...

By Mayank J

Aug 4, 2020

The very first thing that i must say is that the professor Charles is exceptionally well..i could not understand the programming concepts with so much ease before this..the teaching style is great and the slides give every key information about what is being taught so you can capture screenshots and make notes with help of it..and the assignments help you to practice what you've overall a great course!

Thank you Coursera.

Thanku Professor Charles.

By Navneet K

Mar 18, 2020

Full marks to the instructor Dr. Chuck. The course was very well designed and the way Dr. chuck communicated and gave examples, it all made great logic and instilled confidence in me. Not to forget, I have been a very bad programmer since school and did not have much knowledge and confidence before this course. But now I feel much comfortable in learning further and other programming languages as well. Thank you so much Coursera and Dr. Chuck for the course.

By samarth p

Dec 25, 2022

This is a great course. The teacher not only knows his material, but has a lot of experience working with first time programmers and so knows what errors they are likely to make and what questions they are likely to ask and addresses them all. He is fun to listen to, unlike some moocs I have taken where the teachers were reading and got the intonation all wrong--very distracting. This one wasn't like that by far. He was interesting and even funny at times. 

By Yusra W

Jul 7, 2020

A good introduction to programming with Python. The instructor Dr. Chuck has a special ability to teach programming to people who do not have a programming background. This course is a very great start-up for beginners. Everything is broken down into parts making it easy to understand. Whoever had no programming experience this course help him/her to understand this language.

Thank you, Sir Charles, for making this python course interesting and informative.

By Uma M

Jun 25, 2020

This course is pretty awesome! Chuck sir's explanation is super cool, anybody can master this course ,if anybody teach's like Chuck sir. And this is my first ever online course . I've loved the course each and every topic is explained so clearly and i have done programming without any hesitation like "my code is not going to work". I am super excited to look forward for the continuation of this specialization and many other courses too. Thank you coursera !

By Anastassios K

Dec 28, 2018

The way professor Severance teaches and transits the subject is exceptional and makes the course too easy for anyone who wants to learn.

The course itself, for a complete naive like me, had very good pace and at the end I found it very easy.

By reading the accompanied book you have more details and it’s essential to read it also and solve the exercises and not just see the videos in Coursera.

It was a very good first step for me in the Python language. Thanks!

By Dhruv G

Oct 6, 2019

This is a great course. The teacher not only knows his material, but has a lot of experience working with first time programmers and so knows what errors they are likely to make and what questions they are likely to ask and addresses them all. He is fun to listen to, unlike some moocs I have taken where the teachers were reading and got the intonation all wrong--very distracting. This one wasn't like that by far. He was interesting and even funny at times.

By Omatsola C D I

Sep 19, 2019

During the first assignment, I was taken aback by being given something to solve that was a bit more advanced than what had been learned up to that point, but this was great, because it gave me time to try a couple of things, to see what works, and what doesn't. Felt a bit sad when I struggled, but when I finally succeeded I felt great, and confident in solving related problems. It is really great to learn by making mistakes and trying to figure stuff out.

By David A M

Mar 31, 2018

This class was very well done. I really enjoyed Dr. Chuck's explanations and the way the class flowed. I do wish it covered a bit more at a slightly accelerated rate. However, this may be because I'm used to the usual college class intensity. With that said, I don't have any complaints. I feel like I learned a lot of useful information . I believe this class has laid a good foundation for what is to come. I would strongly recommend this class to others.

By Aditya K

Oct 8, 2017

This course offers a good exposure to the fundamentals of Python for the non-programmers.

The instructor is engaging and delivers the material in a crisp manner.

The only part of the course that can be improved is the length of lectures.

Many lectures are longer than 6 mins and most cross the 10 min barrier. They can be broken down into smaller lectures , but the engaging presentation by the instructor ensures that no boredom seeps in at any point in time.

By Boris B

Apr 16, 2023

Probably the best professor on Coursera, coming from somebody that had quite a few courses o Coursera. Professor Chuck has a great pace not too slow not too fast. Hi, use a combination of technical terminology and everyday terminology. There are also bits that are not course-related stuff but it helps to get to know him bit better so it really resembles to a university lecture.I learned a ton and I will continue with other courses in this specialization.

By Vaibhav D

Apr 15, 2021

What I have learned and understood in this program is basics and logic behind the python code. This was a seven week program evenly distributed where in the first week professor Charles Russell Severance made us understood every tiny aspect of python. which made it very easy to understand what is variable , what is a function , what is a loop. Thank you Coursera and Charles Russell Severance Sir for making us understand the every basic concept of python.

By Brandon B

Jan 10, 2016

Great course for new and experienced programmers alike looking to add Python to their toolbelt. If you're a self-taught programmer, the course can provides you with some basic vocabulary about programming idioms that you may not have had the words for previously. The professor was also quite charming, frequently using humour to lighten the subject matter. I do recommend this course for people that are either new to programming or programming with Python.

By Erick S

May 7, 2023

Oh wow! This course is just amazing. Besides it is for everybody, even for intermediate students like me was very helpful to understand basic python. Also, the exercises and quiz helped a lot. The only recommendation I have is to mention about other IDE tools like Pycharm. Fortunately I heard about it before and could use since use Python as a DOS is painful. Regardless of that, GREAT course. Congratulations professor and university for this initiative!

By Muhammad S N

Feb 10, 2021

Excellent online beginners level course on Python! Even if you don't have any prior programming experience this course would make it very easy for you to not only learn but also motivates to explore more about the subject. The instructor Dr. Charles Severance teaching style is very engaging and have strong grip on subject and know how to taught someone about programing and making it easy for everyone. Bonus material provided with the course is awesome.


Jan 4, 2021

I have very enjoyed this course and I have very appreciated the method of teaching of the Instructor, that is very expertise in the Python programming and he is very clear in the explaining of the several arguments.

I am a beginner in the programming but the course is well organized and allows to everyone to know the basic notion of the Python language.

I am sure to continue the learning on the Python language with the other courses that are offered.

By Suraj M

May 22, 2020

Hi this is Suraj,

It was a great experience learning python. I really loved the way the quiz were designed and also the course went on smoothly. Not everything was told in the video so I had to google things out to complete the assignments. Like how do I print all numbers in one single line while using a loop, and also how do I print something without giving a space. These basic things I feel were left on purpose to push the student to explore and learn.

By Jose I J

Jan 1, 2018

Great course! I had 11 years with no programming activities, I was a developer for Delphy & PowerBuilder 11 years back but Python seems to be quite interesting to learn out. This course is great for people that have little experience on programming languages, but it was great for me as 11 years is a lot time, now I want to learn web / digital programming languages and I'll continue studying other Python courses in coursera for sure!!!!. Thanks a million

By Kevin L

Mar 26, 2021

Well, I have to admit that the fact that this course has Chinese subtitles is one of the reasons why I gave it the highest score, and to be honest, I'm quite eager to take a first-hand course in the US.

I will continue to participate in coursera courses because I can't wait to get any marketable skills from coursera, thanks to Prof. Charles Severance of the University of Michigan and the coursera team, because the world will be a better place with you!